Explore the wilds of western Canada and the United States!

You can participate by exploring and documenting native rhododendrons in your area or with other Project members on field trips to sites in western Washington. (At this point members of the Project live within the vicinity of the RSF; however, we are anxious to include those who live anywhere along the west coast of Canada and the United States.)

Read about Past field trips in the Journal of the American Rhododendron Society. One such article is available to read on the ARS website:

All interested persons are invited to participate in WNARS Project activities. Please join us for outdoor adventures!

Kitsap students join our group for an outing.

Intrepid explorers at R Lake

Member Jerry Broadus checks exact location of wild rhodies with a hand-held GPS.

Collecting cuttings
If you are interested in joining the WNARSP or would like more information, please contact the Rhododendron Species Foundation via e-mail... or call (253) 838-4646.

Please do not dig plants from the wild. See our collection policy.

If you are out in the field collecting, photographing, or mapping plants, please see our Sudden Oak Death page.