See Where This Species Is Found

R. camtschaticum
Photos by Hank Helm

Subgenus Therorhodion

Prostrate or low shrub, usually less than 0.2m; bud scales persistent. Leaves 1-6 x 4-2.2cm, obovate or spathulate, apex rounded, with a glandular apiculus, margin toothed and ciliate, lower surface pubescent on veins, otherwise glabrous.

Flowers solitary or to 3, in a raceme, the peduncle bearingleafy bracts; calyx 8-18mm, lobes oblong; corolla rose-purple (rarely white), with darker flecks, rotate, lobes divided to the base on the lower side, 20-25mm; stamens 10, ovary pubescent, style pubescent at base.

-10 to -20F (-29C)

May - June

Northern Japan, eastern Russia, USA (Aleutian Islands, Alaska)

Source: The Rhododendron Handbook 1998; Published by the Royal Horticulture Society

Fall color - RSBG; RSF 73/054
by Dennis Hendrickson